But...it did get me thinking more about this notion of "approved by God." I know it is also an expression which appears in some of the Pauline writings, that he and his fellows were "workers approved by God." But clearly, that's not what this fellow had in mind. His was a singular mark of "approval of God" for Jesus.
Perhaps those of you who have engaged in such past dialogues with Christians with this mindset have some thoughts on this; and for those who haven't had such encounters, your thoughts are welcome too. I would just like to sit back and see what if anything other folks have to say. Thanks.
i just got thru with a discussion about how i could get harmony of biology/genetics and Bible/religion by letting paul define sin and original sin.
towards the end of it, i pointed out that charlie stamped the seal "approved by God" on the brow of doctrines, and mentioned several that have become endangered species, if not extinct.
to wit: "see any money with caiaphas' or caesar's pic on it being minted???" thus, that which goes extinct is no longer good doctrine.
is Christ standing here now (Christians seem always so....perplexed when i ask this...dunno why...hehe) thus...charlie wins.
charlie votes for Christ, who is anyone to say Christ can't vote for charlie?
OK...I think I'm with ya...kinda...?
But, I'm not sure about the Darwin aspect. Clue me in...this bulb is a bit dim today.
let's get a little Biblical on charlie here.
"know them y their fruits"...
a general sense of this is "tasty fruit"..
how about "viable seed"??
>>that's<<>>is<< the Substance will be recognised as "God approved".
l;et's go further into left field..
i know this guy who reaises this bacteril glop that s smwehere in betwen brewers yeast and slime mold... and people eat this stuff, after tey have enuff of it, and it comfortaly drops into the guit and eas random nasties and kep on truckin as a spore, and passes, and people feel better balanced accordin to some whatever nutritutinal theory becuase tis is done.
so this stuff is from asia. and as a reuslt of this guy and oter slike him, these sporeis now ,aking their way along the mississippi to trhe gulf of mexico.
he's tellng me about this... there's this oter guy, who gets some of what i am saying about this...and i tirn to him and say, wow...smart yeast...and he laffs...
while he is watwering his cacti, some runs out the bottom of the pot, and he wipes it up, and i tell him, they are nevvvver going to act responsibl;y if u keep cleaming up after them. and he says i know, but they seem so happy playing in the sun, i don;r want to yerll at them about it. and i say, don;t yell... but it's about time you gave tem boundaries and responsibilities so they can become mature and get along without you...otherwise ur just anoter co-dependent enabling emo 8989889 head (dale says not to use p8inctuation marks to indicate bad language) . and he says, ur right, and tell the cacti, from now on, if you spill ur water and don;t clean it up, u'll get less the next time.
and.....it's working.
"viable seed." the tree that is know by its fruits does not comsider ur desire for tasty as anythig other than rt of its strategy to get u to carry its seed. you get asty, it gets transported. it's just bizness.
so..ur a doctrine...like.... hmmm... Eucharist? surrrre. let's do Euharist. you make urself tasty, pretty, eye-catching, and warm/fuzzy delivering. as a result of 20k years or so of evolution u can now reproduce without it looking like te death of maron brando in apoclaypse now.
sudddenly, ur being propagated farrr more easily. older species, like the bull getting lopped ito chunks by martin sheen are nowhere nearr as able to reproduce as you. in a mere 1814or so years you have taken over 98% of te ecologic niche that other "drink My bloods" used to occupy,and they re all starvingut and not reprodicing.
charlie says: good doctrine, God approves of you.... and in fact, here's u and me, in our rando,ly various pov, in more agreement about the Eucharist and transubstantion than pail probably had with james, so Godf must truly approve of this doctrine...charlie says so.
now it sas put out a Mutant offsring, where daily eating of the Word eliminates the eed for the cracker/grape. i am uttterly sure that this mutant seed from the Tree of Life is better able to fill the ecologic niche.
and charlie wins.
and Baha'u'llah's Point that the Symbol >>is<< the Subtance will be recognised as "God approved".
the doctrien is jsut another organ-ism, organ-ising, building the body of Christ.
imho tielhard de chaerdin would go... o ur a sick puppy, but ur right, and de loyola would burn me, and then go, whoops, he was right... hmmmm..., write a book about why i had to be burned, then go..ok, de chardi will deal with why h was right later...
and pythagoras will be like, don;t u hate it when that happens, but wait, lemme light a cigarillo off u before we put u out,,,
what's God Approved? i dunnno....what is?? yeah... it is what it is, and therefore is God approved, or heading to extinction.
cause charlie wins.
the doctrine is just another organ-ism, organ-ising, building the body of Christ.
imho tielhard de chaerdin would go... o ur a sick puppy, but ur right, and de loyola would burn me, and then go, whoops, he was right... hmmmm..., write a book about why i had to be burned, then go..ok, de chardin will deal with why h was right later...
and pythagoras will be like, don't u hate it when that happens, but wait, lemme light a cigarillo off u before we put u out,,,
what's God Approved? i dunnno....what is?? yeah... it is what it is, and therefore is God approved, or heading to extinction.
cuase charlie wins.
Believe it or not -- and does it really matter? -- I think I get what you are getting at. :-)
matter?? it's...it's kinda like the ice in mn...its still water...but for now, the fct that it is solid seems to matter to a number of people...
u may or not, recall a conversation i had with someone a while back about the sea of reeds, and dale was n this dialog, and. the guy was actually maybe intersted in soeting... wo kows what...but was... and i pointed out that ..sort. of...
kinda...ineluctibly...(tho i should nevvver use a word like ineluctibly....it's so....dark...:-) and besides, ratzinger might agree with it...:-) ) the fact that Abraham and sara are Brahman at the sarasvati river, and the fact that Abraham is hammurabi, and the fact that Joseph was from egypt, in no wise contradict, but rather, siiport and enforce the fact that Abram and sarai left from around basra and trevelled to egypt, and left there with a 2nd wife.
was Jesus approved by god? no. and
He got nailed for it.
did Jesus demonstrate a proof of the Divine?
hmmm...are we having the conversation?
charlie wins.
(pause for cigarillo, and 40 deg wet wind, seeing the stitches on the ball spinning; so... the jet stream must have fingers.... the North Wind has manifested Itself as a mercy to minnesota and told the dogwood trees of the south (from whch we all know the cross was made) to fear their Lord as the petals fall in the cold rain, and told te tulips to trust in the Sun Alone, reaching thru the dirt to the bulbs......
so... this guy ur talking to understands, cuase it is True, the Manifestation Is His Own Proof, just like any Moslem knows..but thinks It's Jesus...and so is worshipping a graven idol. and 2500 years before Jesus when Abraham was asked if that made sese any more, He Said....not so much....but you'll figure that out without Me...becuase of Me...
and charlie wins.